Carrier Lookup

Carrier Lookup

Your comprehensive tool for finding, monitoring, and assessing the best carriers in the industry

Simplify your search with HaulHero.

Expand your search criteria to include company name, MC number, DOT number, VIN, and authority age. Utilize our advanced search parameters like lanes/region, vehicle type, insurance status, authority status, and safety rating for a more focused hunt

Find your next carriers

Discover the right carriers for your next job, considering broader parameters and indicators.

Stay informed

Utilize the Double Broker Scorecard and monitor for potential shared resources between MCs to stay updated on their authority and insurance status.

Save time

Filter out unreliable carriers and streamline your search process, making sure you’re only working with the best and most reliable.

Flexible pricing plans

Our pricing plans are flexible and affordable, designed to suit every business size or budget. Start your journey with us with a free trial today!

Get started today!



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